Equity: This will be the Corporation's usual kindness, always seeking equality and transparency in the management of resources, making an effective and efficient use of these resources through an adequate and equitable distribution.
Teamwork: Teamwork will be an indispensable tool for the purposes of El Tesoro Corporation and will allow the harmonious integration of the functions and activities developed by the different people. It will be possible to create a group of individuals organized in a certain way to achieve a common objective, the development and progress of each of the Corporados and their environment.
Honesty: Honesty will be a Corporate Quality, consistent and permanent generator of spaces of agreement and respect for its members, giving value to behave and express themselves with coherence and sincerity (telling the truth) in accordance with the Values of Truth and Justice.
Solidarity: It refers to the feeling of unity, based on common goals or interests, the true solidarity; that which is called to drive the true winds of change, favoring the development of individuals and the organization, based mainly on the universal equality that must unite all beings.
Social Responsibility: Social responsibility will be an active and voluntary contribution to the common, economic and environmental improvement by the Organization, always bearing in mind that such contribution will be aimed at improving the conditions of the Employees and their families, with the objective of achieving equity between people and their environment.
Commitment: Organizational commitment is considered as the belief in the Corporate Goals and Values, accepting them and having the will to exert a considerable effort for the benefit and development of the projects, policies and each of the members that participate in it.
Transparency: Transparency refers to the organizational capacity to manage resources effectively and efficiently, allowing an adequate and equitable distribution among the members of the Corporation, thus allowing a neat and honest administration of the benefits.
To work honestly and transparently for the sustainable development and the improvement of the quality of life of the employees and associates of El Tesoro Corporation; changing their existence in a way that impacts on the well-being, having as a fundamental purpose the equity and equanimity with the sustainable development, through Social Responsibility and teamwork.
By 2025 El Tesoro Corporation is projected as a structured organization that achieves an adequate management of resources; as well as the creation of significant and transcendent projects that meet all of its expectations of standard of living and welfare of the Corporados and their environment.
Housing loans.
Buy a New Home.
Home Improvement.
Construction in Own Site.
Legalization procedures.
Cadastral Valuations.
Educational Benefits.
Scholarship for high school and primary school, children, wives and worker
Scholarship for higher education for children, spouses and workers.
Right to Grade Payment.
Scholarship Courses and Workshops
Educational Credit.
Donation Health.
Aids Copayments and Medications.
Help with dental prostheses.
Help buys lenses.
Technical Aids.
Hearing Aids.
Domestic Calamities.
Help lodging Accompanying persons out of the zone.
Health Credits.
Recreation and Sports.
Community Aids.
Environmental Aid.