The objective of the Housing program is to contribute to the improvement of basic housing needs, whether new or improved, of the workers of Agropecuaria El Tesoro S.A and employees of the Corporación el Tesoro, in order to improve the living conditions of the workers and their family group, through the acquisition and/or improvement of housing.

Education Program.
The objective is to facilitate access to education, strengthening the academic skills of workers and their families, from higher education, basic primary and secondary workers... Because at the heart of the corporation we know that a good education contributes to an improvement in both family and social life.

Health Program.
By means of this, medical needs that are not covered by the mandatory POS health plan are taken care of, and help is given to the worker such as dental prostheses, technical aids, help with glasses, domestic calamities, health credits, solidarity fund, etc.
Recreation and sports program.

Providing workers and their families with an opportunity for healthy recreation, an opportunity to share with their peers and families in a healthy environment and training, that is why it is important to have the opinion of the workers, so that they give ideas on how they want the activity to be done, as long as they do not go beyond the parameters of FAIRTRADE and the regulations of the Corporation.

Community aid programme.
THE CORPORATION EL TESORO, has as one of its priorities the search for collective benefits in the neighboring and established community. The main policy is to support the different communities in the Urabá area.
Improvement of sanitary units school Pedro Nel Durango village Naranjales.
Hall for children village silence.
Environmental programme.

The corporation the treasure seeks in the communities, to offer them a benefit where it is possible to obtain the conscience of both the workers, the community in the importance of taking care of the environment, therefore in the community of Zungo pier the installation of 3 clean points (zone of collection of garbage) is provided in order to maintain a clean and healthy environment.